
Magical Adventure Chapter - 1 - Part - 3

Part - 3

Tom came back to Kapur and went to the palace.

He met the king, the king was sitting in his throne.

He said to the king    

“I killed the monster what is the next one?”

 King explained to Tom  

“You have to go to the top of the tallest mountain in the kingdom and there will be a big rock, break the rock and get me a small piece of the stone from that rock.

Then Tom left the palace and he went to the tallest mountain using the carpet.

He took the magical spray and asked the genie to break the rock.

The genie shook his hand and immediately the rock broken into pieces.

All the big pieces rolled down from the top of the mountain but only a small piece of rock rolled down in another side of the mountain 

He followed that small piece slowly.

Finally the small piece reached the bottom of the mountain and then Tom took the small piece.

After that he realized that he came down from the mountain by running.

He saw a smoke coming from a hut. 

He went near to the hut.

He saw something was written  on the door of the hut

He read it.  

It was written“Not to go inside”

The smoke was coming from that hut.

Tom wants to see what is inside the hut so he called the genie and ordered

“take me inside the hut”

There was a table with five glass boxes on it

Inside each box, there was a stone that looks like a diamond.

On each box, there was a paper kept.

In the first paper, it was written 

 “Water force”.

 In the second paper, it was written

 “Fire force”. 

In the third paper, it was written

 "Speak to any animal"

In the fourth paper, it was written

 "Change to any animal or a human being

In the last paper, it was written

"Communicate to anyone who has the same stone"

Then he called the genie and said 

“Get me a bag, keep all boxes in it, and take me out of this hut”

Genie replied 

“Yes master” 

then genie took him out of the hut. 

Down there was a bag with the boxes. 

He kept 3 sprays also inside the bag.

He saw a board on the sidewall of the hut 

In the board, It was written 

"Go straight."

Moral: we should decide before we do

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